
Hunter's Nightmare

Cómic para el Fanzine das xornadas de Ourense, editado durante las susodichas jornadas de tebeos, y en las cuales ademas voy a tener una pequeña exposición (10 imágenes).

Comic made for the Fanzine das Xornadas de Ourense, published in the city's comic festival in which i'm also having a small expo (10 images).

3 comentarios:

Mondgucker dijo...

Hi Miguel,

that's once more a very fine page. I like the color. It seems, you like to work in two colors as much as I do.

Best, ulf.

Miguel Porto dijo...

Hey! Thank you!
I enjoy working in two colors, it's a pity that i don't find enough places where to do it, as in the last one was a true two colors publication (i'm anxious to see it printed) this one is kind of a Fake duotone (in fact it's going to be published in B/W).

By the way, you are the only one who posts on blogger, you know i've got that pop up window by haloscan where everybody posts, but of course , you come by rss i supose (that's such a cumpliment by the way). I've been rethinking the haloscan thing... it was nice at first but then i found that there where lots of comments lost because of this...

Mondgucker dijo...

I don't know that haloscan thing. But if it means that no one will send you a comment anymore, than you should change it.